Like all parts of our bodies, women’s labia come in all shapes and sizes. Labiaplasty is a cosmetic procedure that surgically reduces the outer folds of the female labia, which can help some women to boost their confidence and feel more comfortable. As a leading gynaecologist and IVF specialist, Dr Rebecca Mackenzie-Proctor can expertly shape and refine women’s labial appearance, performing labiaplasty at various locations across Melbourne.

  • Labiaplasty is the surgical reduction of the outer folds of the female labia. It is also known as ‘labia majora surgery’, ‘labia minora surgery’, ‘labia reduction surgery’ and ‘labioplasty’.

  • As with the rest of our bodies, women’s labia come in a large range of genital appearances, which is healthy and normal. However some women have very large labial folds of tissue that cause discomfort, often prompting friction issues. Some women may also feel self-conscious, uncomfortable or be unable to wear tight clothing such as gym leggings or g-string underwear. Activities such as running, bike riding and horse riding may also cause great discomfort. At the extreme, very large labia can make sex uncomfortable and affect relationships.

    In recent decades, pubic hair fashion has changed. Women who choose to shave, prefer brazilian waxing, or laser hair removal may be more aware and concerned about their labial appearance and may wish to make subtle changes to achieve their own ideal. Some women have labia that appear very uneven from side-to-side and wish to achieve a more even appearance. For the right patients, labiaplasty can help women feel more feminine, more confident and much more comfortable.

  • Labiaplasty is a cosmetic procedure that is designed to help women feel happier about the way they look. While it does not directly convey health benefits or heighten sexual pleasure, some women experience improved comfort and sexual confidence, which can lead to an improved quality of life and self-esteem.

    In most cases there is not a medical indication for labiaplasty, which means that the procedure is not currently subsidised under Medicare. However, your consultation appointments with our Women’s Health Melbourne gynaecology team about labiaplasty are eligible for a Medicare rebate. To claim this rebate, a GP referral is required.

  • The procedure is performed in an operating theatre under a general anaesthetic. Dr Rebecca Mackenzie-Proctor gently and subtly reduces the excess tissue around the inner and outer labial lips using diathermy energy (which minimises tissue inflammation). Her aim is to expertly reshape and refine the labial appearance. Most women can return to work within a week and sexual activity can resume after 3-4 weeks.

  • You will have your procedure as a day case and will be discharged to go home about two hours later. During the first few days you will use a labial cool pack to reduce swelling and use regular pain relief medications.

    Your initial scar should heal within 1 week and you will see Dr Mackenzie-Proctor after 1-2 weeks postoperatively for review (but also earlier if you need). Your dissolvable stitches will fall out in between 1 and 4 weeks, and you may choose to resume your sex life at 3-4 weeks.

    Once the swelling has gone down (up to 6 weeks), the final cosmetic outcome can be assessed. Contact us or visit our Women’s Health Melbourne clinic to book your labiaplasty consultation with our team.

  • The cost of your initial gynaecological consultation with Dr Rebecca Mackenzie-Proctor will be $305. If you do decide to proceed with labiaplasty surgery, we will provide a surgical quote but the hospital and anaesthetist will provide their quotes separately.

    As an indication, labia minora reduction begins at around $7,900 (for surgeon, hospital and anaesthetist fees combined).

  • At WHM, we don't publish before and after surgical photographs online. This is to maintain our patients privacy and also because our surgical goal is to achieve an aesthetic outcome that appears normal and natural for you and suits your body. We are all different.

    Rather than encourage your aspire to a particular aesthetic, Dr Rebecca will gently examine you during your appointment and will be able to draw and explain what outcome you can expect from labiaplasty surgery, if indeed this is the right choice for you. 

    If you would like us to provide you with before and after photos of your labia for your records, this can be facilitated.  

    A good resource to understand the diversity of normal labial and vulval anatomy can be found at the labia library photo gallery:

  • All surgical procedures carry inherent risk. Possible complications of labiaplasty may include the following:

    • Risks associated with a general anaesthetic

    • Risk of post-operative infection or blood clot

    • Risk of bruising and swelling (haematoma)

    • Risk of excessive bleeding

    • Risk of a slower recovery than anticipated

    • Risk of scarring/dissatisfaction with your cosmetic outcome

    Fortunately, in the case of labiaplasty these risks are rare. The skin of the labia is moist, flexible and tends to heal well and very quickly. Infection is most unlikely as the procedure is performed under sterile conditions and you will be given preventative antibiotics during the operation.


Many doctors who perform labiaplasty are plastic surgeons or cosmetic surgeons who are often ‘self-taught’ in regards to female genital surgery. When considering treatment to the female genital area, we highly recommend choosing a doctor with formal training and expertise in genital surgery.

Dr Rebecca Mackenzie-Proctor has achieved advanced training in labial and vaginal repair and reconstruction. She has extensive experience in the repair of labial and vaginal tears from birth-related traumatic injury, successfully treating hundreds of women. She has translated this expansive skillset by applying principles and techniques from both gynaecology and plastic surgery to achieve the best cosmetic outcomes for her patients.

As a female gynaecologist, Dr Rebecca Mackenzie-Proctor is also easy to talk to about the slightly uncomfortable subject of labiaplasty, making her patients feel at ease and secure.


At your first consultation, Dr Mackenzie-Proctor will assess you holistically to understand the issues that are important to you. You can speak with her about all aspects of your gynaecological health, or even concerning your future fertility.

You will also have a genital examination where you can show Dr Mackenzie-Proctor what aspects of your labial appearance you would like to enhance. She will counsel you about the risks of labiaplasty surgery and about what she believes can be achieved in your particular case, encouraging the best possible outcome.