Knocked Up Podcast - What you should know before freezing your eggs

Deciding to freeze your eggs can be a big decision, we ask Dr Raelia Lew how we should be informed. 


Deciding to freeze your eggs can be a big decision, we ask Dr Raelia Lew how we should be informed. 

  • What tests do you recommend your patients undergo before freezing your eggs?  

  • What factors could affect a patient’s eligibility for egg freezing?  

  • How long does the entire process take?  

  • Will I need to take time off work whilst freezing eggs?  

  • What are the potential side effects of the medications and procedure?  

  • Are there any long-term health risks?  

  • What are the success rates with egg freezing and subsequent thawing?  

  • How many eggs do you recommend freezing to achieve a live birth?  

  • What is the survival rate of eggs during the thawing process?  

  • How long can my eggs remain frozen? 

  • What happens if I want to use my eggs in the future? 

Hosted by Dr Raelia Lew and Jordi Morrison

Dr Raelia Lew is a RANZCOG Board Certified CREI Fertility specialist, Gynaecologist and the Director of Women’s Health Melbourne. 

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Knocked Up Podcast - We answer your questions: part 2