Knocked up podcast - Who should consider Preconception Genetic Testing?

There’s some new Medicare funding for PGT


Who should consider Preconception Genetic Testing?

It has been a few years since we last discussed preconception genetic testing and the changes to Medicare funding makes this technology more accessible to couples trying to conceive. For more information on PGT we have a few episodes in the archive:

Knocked Up Podcast: Genetic Testing and Family Planning with Zoe Milgrom from Eugene

Knocked Up Podcast: Genetic Testing

Knocked Up Podcast: Mackenzie's Mission with Rachael Casella

Hosted by Dr Raelia Lew and Jordi Morrison

Dr Raelia Lew is a RANZCOG Board Certified CREI Fertility specialist, Gynaecologist and the Director of Women’s Health Melbourne. 

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Preconception Genetic Testing: Medicare Rebates Introduced


Knocked up podcast - Choosing a prenatal supplement with Wendy Fedele